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Hours Mon-Sat 9AM – 7PM | Sunday 9AM – 6PM
Christmas Trees

Christmas Tree Giving Program

Jordans Garden Center partnered with St. Vincent de Paul of SW Idaho Giving Trees Program was created to help families in need during the holiday season. Every $25 donation gets a family a tree. Spread a little joy during the holiday.

Freshness Guaranteed

Christmas Trees Grown In Idaho
  • Locally Grown
    We always support buying local and to continue that important tradition we bring in many varieties of trees grown right here in Idaho. Most Christmas trees are grown in Oregon, Washington and even back east.
  • Trees that last. Guaranteed
    Jordan’s is the only place in town that guarantees our trees to last until Christmas. No matter what. On the rare occasion it does happen. They are live trees afterall. So IF the tree dies you will get your choice of getting a new tree on us this year or next.
  • Freshness
    Most people don’t know that many Christmas tree wholesalers supplying chain stores have to begin cutting trees as early as October to meet the demand. Jordan’s buys direct from the farmers and we even cut some ourselves. This way the trees are only cut days before they arrive at our tree lot as fresh as possible. This is also why we are able to guarantee our trees.
  • Types of Trees
    We also boast the largest and most diverse selection in Boise including Noble Fir, Norman Fir, Grand Fir, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Silver Tip Fir, Native Firs, White Fir, Pondersa Pine, Lodge Pole Pine and Blue Spruce. We also sell live potted trees that can be planted once the season is over.
  • Sizes
    We have trees in all sizes from 2′ to 15′. Although we suggest preordering the big ones as early as September as they are often in short supply and go FAST.
  • Price
    The all important question. Unfortunately we can’t give you a direct answer. Each tree is priced individually based on actual size, species, and quality. So no 2 trees are the same. Prices will start around $25 for the smallest ones and go up from there. Average prices for trees in 2020 went from $50-$100.